After discuss few topics with all of you, today I will like to share with all of you, what is corporate blogging. Corporate blogging is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals. It is used by a company to produce and support a blog to achieve business objectives and to be known with their services. Although there is few types of corporate blogging, but typically it is can be categorized as either external or internal blogs.
(paragraph 5)
1) Internal Blogs
~ Is a blog that can be view by every employee and is generally accessed through corporate intranet.
~ It encourage
- employees participation
- free discussion of issue
- collective intelligence
- direct communication between various layers of organization
- a sense of community
Further explanation: (Internal Communication)
(Internal blogs)
2) External Blogs
- Is blog that is publicly available for company employees, teams, or spokespersons share their views.
- Also can be treated as public communication blog which it is used to communicate to prospects, clients, employees and the media. Press releases and project updates can be posted, as well as job opportunities or information that the company wants to distribute outside of the normal news channels.
To read more detail about external blogs, you can click the link below:
(External blogs)
(Public Communication)
Typically there is some famous type of corporate blogs, which is:
1) Company Blog
2) CEO Blog
3) Industry Blog
4) Department or Product Blog
5) Customer Service Blog
For further explanation and also example for above those famous types of corporate blog, you can access to this link for some further reading:
(The 5 Types Of Corporate Blog – with example)
Why we have corporate blogging?????
1. Become the Expert
2. Customer Relationships
3. Media Relations
4. Internal Collaboration
5. Knowledge Management
6. Recruitment
7. Test Ideas or Products
8. Rank High in Search Engines
Explanation of about can be access through this link
(Why blog for business)
There is some practices need to be account to make the corporate blog is being useful and benefits, which is:
- Fine print
- Know what you are doing
- Create blogging policies
- Avoid the marketing blog
- Keep it fresh
- Reinforce the company core value
- Encourage employees to use it
Explanation of the practices above can be found in:
(Secrets of Corporate Blogging)
Top 15 sites of corporate blogging (Sept 2008)
1. Google
2. Adobe
3. Yahoo! Search
4. Facebook
5. Dell
6. Yahoo!
7. Linkedln
8. Southwest Airlines
9. General Motors (wound up)
10. Flickr
11. Mint
12. Marriott
13. Lenovo
14. Kodak
15. Delta
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A blog post come with key points.. make it easy for reading!! great.. really informative! THX :)
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